Scouting does not end after Rover Scouts - Leaders and Adult Members are always required for all Sections of Scouts Australia.
Prior experience in Scouting is not necessary. Full adult training appropriate to the age group in which you are interested is available.
Leader's registration and training fees are paid for by the Group.
The rewards of Scouting leadership are lasting and truly beneficial.
You'll help guide young members along a memorable path which will lead them to become valued citizens of our community.
Best of all, you will experience a new dimension of fun and adventure while doing it.
★ A Blue Card is required and will be provided free of charge.
Please see our Group Leader for the relevant paperwork (pre-formatted with Scouts Queensland information).
General information is available by following the link: Blue Card Services
★ Free training in First Aid, and to Certificate III and IV in Business and Frontline Management.
★ There is a wide variety of positions available to suit most people.
★ Work with youth members or young adults from 6 to 25 years old.
★ Enjoy healthy outdoor activities whilst challenging yourself and our youth members.
Integrity - We demonstrate Integrity by:
★ Acting with honesty, truthfulness and fostering appropriate healthy professional relationships
★ Recognising and fulfilling where possible, our obligations to our community
★ Taking responsibility for our own actions and developing integrity in others
★ Acting with impartiality, truthfulness and honesty.
Respect - We demonstrate Respect by:
★ Showing consideration to others, recognising each individual’s uniqueness and diversity
★ Minimising our impact on the environment and seeking to be good caretakers for future generations
★ Committing to members well-being and on-going learning through the practice of positive influence, good judgement and empathy in practice.
Courage - We demonstrate Courage by:
★ Providing challenging, developmental opportunities to empower young people
★ Being good role models in Scouting, demonstrating positive attitudes and willingness to live by the Scout Promise and Law
★ Being fair and reasonable
This Code of Conduct is expected of all adults, members and Associates, uniformed and non-uniformed, who work within the Movement, recognising that at all times they should act responsibly and exercise a Duty of Care.
★ Adults in Scouting respect the dignity of themselves and others.
★ Adults in Scouting demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility, recognising that at all times their words and actions are an example to other members of the Movement.
★ Adults in Scouting act at all times in accordance with Scouting Principles, thereby setting a suitable example for all.
★ Adults in Scouting do not use the Movement to promote their own beliefs, behaviours or practices where these are not compatible with Scouting Principles.
★ Adults in Scouting act with consideration and good judgement in all interpersonal relationships both inside and outside Scouting.
★ Adults in Scouting respect everyone's right to personal privacy at all times. They take special care when sleeping, changing of clothing, bathing and ablutions are associated with any Scouting activity.
★ Adults in Scouting avoid unaccompanied and unobserved activities with youth members wherever possible.
★ Adults in Scouting, for their own protection, should avoid potentially compromising situations be ensuring, where reasonably possible, that at least two adults are in attendance whilst supervising and/or accompanying youth members.
It is recognised that in certain circumstances, it may be necessary for a leader or adult, whilst acting responsibly and exercising their Duty of Care, to be alone with a youth member.
★ Adults in Scouting are committed to providing a safe environment for youth members participating in the Scout program, their parents or guardians and visitors.
That safe environment must be in accordance with Scouts Australia's policy of zero tolerance toward bullying, neglect, emotional, physical or sexual abuse of any kind.
Adults in Scouting recognise that abuse can take many forms and can be perpetrated through various mediums, including through technology, and will be alert to abuse in all of its manifestations.
★ Adults in Scouting must report any conduct seen or heard that does not comply with this Code of Conduct. Specifically, Adults in Scouting must report promptly and suspicion or allegation of child abuse of youth members in their care.
Where mandatory reporting is required, incident reports must be made to the Police or designated State/Territory Authority in accordance with State or Territory Law and the nominated Scouting person should be advised.
In all other cases the incident must be reported to the nominated Scouting person who shall report any suspicion or allegation of child abuse to the appropriate authority.
Code of Conduct © Scouts Australia Policy and Rules 2017 Section P5.2.
The Group Council consists of the Group Leader and Section Leaders. The Group Leader is the manager of the Group, with trained Section Leaders to run various Section Programs.
The Group Council is responsible for organising the application and delivery of the Scouting program.
Scouts Australia Institute of Training
The Scouts Australia Institute of Training (SAIT) coordinates the training and development of Adult Leaders in all States and Territories.
The training system includes preliminary, basic, advanced and supplementary training in Scouting and the skills required to develop and lead young people, as well as integration assistance and support for the duration of the Leader's appointment.
SAIT was launched in 2004 as a nationally accredited training organisation.
SAIT currently offers courses from Certificate II to Diploma level in Business and Certificate II to Certificate IV in Outdoor Recreation, which are recognised outside Scouts Australia and are transferable to other areas of education and business.
The Group Support Committee consists of the Group Leader, and parents, guardians and supporters of the Group.
Group Support Executive Committee positions include Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. Other Committee positions may include Fundraising Co-Ordinator, Quartermaster, Public Relations and Committee Members as required.
The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Group, including finances, den and equipment upgrades, maintenance and fundraising.
The Executive Committee meets once a month, with these positions gazetted at the Annual Report Presentation.
The Ashmore Scout Group appreciates the support provided from the parents and guardians of its youth members.
Parents and guardians may wish to contribute further to the success of the Group by joining the Group Support Executive Committee, participating in fundraising activities, or simply assisting the Leaders on a meeting night.
Adult Helpers are non-uniformed adults who regularly assist in the delivery of the Youth Program in the youth sections.
Adult Helpers are only involved in Youth Member activities under the guidance of a trained Leader holding a Certificate of Adult Leadership.
These people play a vital role when helping the children working in small groups or helping to gather materials required for the next activity etc.
Regularly is defined as more than once a month, or are regularly helping and supporting overnight activities such as sleep-overs,
pack holidays, hikes and camps.
Adult Helpers require a Blue Card.
Application Forms are available from Section Leaders, our Group Leader or Committee Members.
Adult Helpers are required to be an Adult Member of the Association, and as such, complete Introduction to Scouting training with the Group Leader.
Adult Helpers are also required to complete e-learning in Work Health & Safety and Child Safe Scouting.
Any parent and/or guardian wishing to volunteer as an Adult Helper will be required to pay their registration with Scouts Queensland.
This fee is set at $54.00 for the 2017 - 2018 Scouting year.
Adult Helpers are identified by the wearing of an Adult Helper badge.
Leader and Adult Recognition
Adult Recognition Awards are presented to volunteer Leaders and Adult Members who have given valuable service above and beyond what is normally expected of a person in that position.
Any Scout member or formation may recommend a Leader or Adult Member for an Adult Recognition Award, which is forwarded onto the State Chief Commissioner to review.
The following Awards are presented each year as appropriate:
★ Special Service Award - presented to Adult Members and Supporters for at least 12 months of good service to the Scout Association.
★ Meritorious Service Award - presented to Adult Members and Supporters for at least seven years of excellent service to the Scout Association.
★ Silver Wattle - presented to Adult Members for at least 10 years of outstanding service to the Scout Association.
★ Outstanding Service Award - presented to Supporters for at least 12 years of outstanding service to the Scout Association.
★ Silver Koala - presented to Adult Members for at least 14 years of distinguished service to the Scout Association.
★ Distinguished Service Award - presented to Supporters for at least 18 years of distinguished service to the Scout Association.
★ Silver Emu - Presented to Adult Members for further distinguished servise of around 4-5 years since the award of the Silver Koala.
★ National President's Award - Presented to Supporters for eminent achievement and exceptional service over a long period or for a unique and highly valued contribution to the wellbeing of Scouting.
★ Silver Kangaroo - Presented to Adult Members for eminent achievement and exceptional service over a long period or for a unique and highly valued contribution to the wellbeing of Scouting.
Further information regarding Leaders & Adults in Scouting is available from both Scouts Queensland and Scouts Australia.
For specific information on becoming a Leader or Adult Member at our Group,
please E-mail our Group Leader:
General information on this page © Scouts Queensland and Scouts Australia .
The views expressed in this website are not necessarily those of Scouts Australia.