Joey Scouts

Joey Scouts is the youngest section of the Scouting movement. For Joey Scouts, life is an exciting adventure. They explore the wider world, stimulate their imagination and develop skills in team work.

Joey Scout Mobs meet once a week for approximately 1 to 1.5 hours under the care and supervision of professionally trained Joey Scout Leaders. Parents and Guardians are welcome to join in the road to adventure with their Joey Scouts and share many new discoveries. Joey Scout activities include:

  • ★ Playing new games
  • ★ Learning how to make craft projects
  • ★ Going on exciting outings
  • ★ Learning new songs
  • ★ Dressing up
  • ★ Storytelling, miming, and acting
  • ★ Learning about Scouting
  • ★ Joining in sleep overs and Mob Holidays
  • ★ Going on nature and outdoor activities
  • ★ Making new friends


Help Other People

I promise
To do my best
To love my God
And be helpful


A Joey Scout cares
A Joey Scout shares

The commencement for advancement in Sections may vary up to 6 months.

Joey Scouts must have had their sixth birthday and normally progress to the Cub Scout Section around seven years and six months,
depending on their individual readiness socially and intellectually.
Joey Scouts are able to commence their progression to Cub Scouts at any time after their seventh birthday.
Extensions beyond age range may be granted in accordance with Queensland Branch Scouting Instructions (QBSI) Section 2.1.12.
Further information is available from our Group Leader.

Award Scheme

There is no award scheme for Joey Scouts however there are several participation challenge badges available that Joeys can earn as a Mob. These badges are built into the weekly programs, and cover special activities including:

  • ★ A Buddy Scheme with another Mob
  • ★ Care and Share activities
  • ★ Environmental activities
  • ★ Adventure Challenge

Promise Challenge Badge: This is available to older Joey Scouts (must be at least 7 years old to undertake the challenge), is earned on an individual basis, and can be worn on the Cub Scout Uniform until the Grey Wolf Award (the highest Cub Scout award) is achieved.

The aim of this challenge is to allow older Joey Scouts to gain a greater understanding of the Scout Promise and Law, to learn about Scouting's Founder, Lord Robert Baden-Powell, and to discover the history of Scouting.

The challenge requires the Joey Scout to complete certain elements, such as research and discussion with their parents and Leaders, away from the Mob meetings. The Joey will also be required to give a presentation to the Mob on completion of the task.


Detailed information regarding fees is provided on the Parent Information page.


Youth members, young adults and Leaders are required to attend in full uniform, which includes section specific shirt, belt, scarf, woggle and enclosed shoes (unless otherwise advised for individual meetings). Uniform requirements are available from the Scouts Queensland website.

Badge placement diagrams (PDF Format) are provided by Scouts Queensland on this linked page, or by clicking here: Badge Placement Joey Scouts.

Parents and/or guardians are required to purchase a uniform shirt and belt prior to their youth member being invested.

The current price for a Joey Scout polo shirt is $34.95. These shirts are available from size 6 to 16. Size Charts are available from The Scout Shop website (see link below). Belts are available in three sizes; 80cm, 120cm and 160cm, with all sizes priced at $14.95.

Prices are current as at 26 February 2017. These prices are subject to change; please confirm current pricing prior to ordering.

All uniform items are available from The Scout Shop. Please consult with your Section Leader prior to ordering, as Sections may have shirts and/or belts in stock.

Scarves, woggles, shirt badges and Record Books are provided from Section funds upon investiture.

Parents and/or guardians will be required to replace any of these items at their own expense if lost or damaged.

From Scouts Queensland: The style of clothing to be worn below the waist should be tailored slacks or skirt; however, the colour requirement is that these garments for all official occasions and functions should be sandstone.

These occasions are defined as: Awards Ceremonies e.g. Queen Scout's, BP Awards, Leader Awards etc.; Government House; ANZAC Day; Any public event; Jamborees, Moots, Ventures etc.; Interstate and overseas travel; Youth Forums and National Youth Council.

Navy blue, grey slacks, knee length shorts or skirts may be worn for Group meetings. Neat, practical footwear is to be worn. Individual choice of black or brown shoes; boots or joggers.

All Members should dress appropriately for the type of activity in which they are participating.

New members are requested to E-mail our Group Leader prior to attending a meeting night.

To join the Ashmore Scout Group's Joey Mob please E-mail our Group Leader:

General information on this page © Scouts Queensland and Scouts Australia .

The views expressed in this website are not necessarily those of Scouts Australia.

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